Exploring the Higher Truth | Lighting up the Light of Self-Nature Chapter 2 | Silence of the Heart

Exploring Divine Reality: A Journey of Awareness Beyond Thought

1. Let go of authority and discover divine reality

  • Core Idea: Dependence on authority hinders spiritual freedom and prevents access to real, unchanging truth.
  • Inspiration: Let go of concepts, dogmas and external authority, and discover personal truth through independent observation and experience.
  • Key Questions: Is external authority limiting your openness and creativity?

Authority means dependence, and dependence hinders the autonomy and freedom of the mind. In order to get in touch with the real and unchanging truth, one must put aside all concepts, dogmas and authority, and observe and experience independently.

Inspiration:True discovery must be personal and cannot depend on external guidance. Any authority, intellectual or spiritual, will limit the openness and creativity of the mind.

2. Holistic life and split thinking

  • question: A divided mind cannot understand the whole life, but instead creates chaos.
  • Answer: Transcend the limitations of thought through direct observation, rather than relying on combinations of thoughts.
  • Food for thought: Can we enter a state of existence that is not limited by our thoughts?

Thought itself is fragmented and cannot bring an understanding of the whole of life. Humans are used to trying to put together a complete picture through fragmented thinking, but this only creates more confusion.

Question: Can thought be transcended? Or is it possible to enter a state of being that is not limited by thought?

Answer: We need to transcend the divisions and limitations of the mind, and this can only be achieved through direct observation, not through gradual practices or combinations of thoughts.

3. The Illusion of “I” and Inner Evolution

  • Insights: The so-called "I" is a fictional product of thought and is not real.
  • Reflection: Is inner evolution just another projection of the mind of “I”?
  • Inspiration: Letting go of the concept of "I" may bring you closer to reality.

The so-called "I" is a product of thought, not an independent, real existence. The idea of inner evolution itself may be a fiction.Because the existence of "I" is essentially a projection of thought..

Reflection: When we let go of the concept of "I", can we get closer to reality? This process requires a deep understanding that "I" is just an illusion constructed by the mind.

4. The paradox of control and stillness

  • question: Trying to control the mind only creates more conflict because the controller is also a product of the mind.
  • Insights: When you realize that the controller and the controlled are actually one, the conflict will naturally disappear.
  • Practical advice: Understand the divisive falsity of thought rather than trying to control it.

Trying to control or suppress thoughts creates conflict because the manipulator is a product of the thoughts. When we realize that the controller and the controlled are actually the same thing, the conflict disappears and the energy is no longer consumed.

Insights:The controller and the controlled are two sides of the mind. True peace is not achieved through control, but emerges naturally through understanding the false nature of this split.

5. The Nature of Meditation

  • Core Idea: Meditation is not about controlling thoughts, but about seeing the nature of thoughts.
  • practice:
    • Do not interfere with thoughts, do not control or suppress them.
    • Simply watch thoughts arise and pass away, and realize that they are not the real "me".
    • The mind becomes naturally quiet through observation, rather than forced stillness.
  • Insights: The controller and the thoughts are essentially from the same source.

Meditation is not about controlling or suppressing thoughts, but about seeing the true nature of thoughts.Seeing that the controller and the controlled are one, there is no need to expend energy trying to resist or control the thoughts.


  • During meditation, let go of any interference with thoughts and do not try to control or suppress them.
  • Simply watch thoughts arise and pass away, and realize that they are not the real "me".
  • Through this kind of observation, the mind naturally quiets rather than being forced to be still.

6. Transcend phenomena and touch reality

  • significance: When energy is no longer dissipated by divided thoughts, it will naturally become focused and powerful.
  • result: This energy allows one to transcend the surface of phenomena and come into contact with eternal, divine truth.
  • Summarize: This reality cannot be defined by thought but is directly experienced through complete observation.

When energy is no longer dissipated by divided thoughts, it naturally becomes focused and powerful.This energy enables one to transcend the phenomenal level and come into contact with the unchanging reality.This reality is neither a product of thought nor an illusion or myth, but is eternal, divine truth..

Summary: True exploration is a radical awareness that does not rely on authority, methods or ideological guidance, but is based on complete observation of the inner and outer. Through this awareness, we may come into contact with something sacred that cannot be defined by thought.

Further thinking and practice

  • Reflection: Are you limited by the framework of your thoughts and unable to observe the world independently?
  • practice: Try to let go of your reliance on external methods and authority, and cultivate a true awareness of your inner and outer selves.
  • Target: Through this awareness, we can liberate our minds and discover the sacredness and truth of life from the shackles of thought.

The ultimate meaning of exploration

True freedom lies not in external guidance or methods, but in inner clarity and awareness. This is a personal journey, and every step comes from your independent experience and understanding.

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A journey of deep insight and practice for a quiet mind

1. Can the mind be completely quiet?

  • The Nature of Thought: The never-ending operation creates a psychological burden between memory and expectation.
  • Key insights:
    • The activity of thought is rooted in time, and time hinders the arrival of silence.
    • Real silence: Not by suppressing thoughts, but by completely understanding and letting go.
  • practice: Observe the flow of your thoughts, do not judge or suppress them, let them come and go naturally.

The essence of thought is activity. It is always operating, competing, and comparing. This activity constitutes a time and psychological burden. The core of the problem is: Can the mind get rid of this endless operation and enter complete silence?

Key insights:

  • Thoughts and Time: The activity of thought always operates between the memories of the past and the expectations of the future. This "activity of time" is the reason why the mind cannot be at peace.
  • Quietness is not suppression: A quiet mind is not achieved by forcing or suppressing thoughts, but through a thorough understanding and letting go of thought activities.

2. Competitive and non-competitive minds

  • question: Psychological comparison and competition lead to inner division and anxiety.
  • Practice reflection:
    • Stop comparing yourself to others, your ideal or past self, and let go of the mental burden.
    • Effect: When the inner struggle stops, tremendous energy is released, providing the basis for insight.
  • Insights: Letting go of the competition is not slacking off, but pursuing a more direct and real perception.

We are constantly comparing and competing mentally—comparing ourselves with others, with our ideals, and with our past selves. This psychological activity exacerbates our inner division and restlessness.

Practice reflection:

  • In your daily life, try not to engage in mental competition and stop measuring yourself by other people’s actions, achievements, or standards.
  • This practice of letting go of competition does not mean slacking off, but rather means having a more direct and real perception of oneself and the world.

Effect: When the psychological struggle stops and the inner burden is lightened, the mind releases tremendous energy, which is the basis for discovery and insight.


This is to illustrate the state of mind of the unity of all things.

3. Pay full attention

  • feature:
    • No comparison: No comparison with past experience or knowledge.
    • No self-centeredness: When you are fully focused, your self-consciousness naturally dissolves.
    • No direction: Only purposeless and uncontrolled attention can be completely open.
  • Examples:
    • Listen to a conversation, observe a leaf, and immerse yourself in the moment, and your thoughts will naturally stop.
    • This state brings a pure sense of being, beyond time and division.

True attention is total and undivided. When we focus our whole attention on something, the mind enters a natural state of tranquility that is not achieved through effort or control.

Characteristics of Full Attention:

  • No comparison: When listening and observing, do not compare with past experience or knowledge.
  • No self-centeredness: Complete attention means the dissolution of self-consciousness, leaving only the pure process of observing or listening.
  • No direction: Only by paying attention without purpose, without trying to control or achieve a certain result, can the mind be completely open.

Example: When we listen to a conversation with our whole being or observe a leaf with our whole being, our thoughts naturally cease and are replaced by a sense of total presence.


4. Holistic and non-divided consciousness

  • The overall state:
    • The boundary between the “observer” and the “observed” disappears.
    • Transcend duality and enter into the complete experience of existence.
  • Insights:
    • “The observer is the observed”: All internal and external divisions originate from the projection of thoughts.
    • practice: Be fully focused on the present moment, without conflict or division, and become one with everything.


The viewer is the thing being viewed

Because of projection, right?

Because I own

The observer is the object of observation

Everything is integrated with everything

It should be said that if you focus completely on the present moment, there will be no conflict, no division, and no awareness of any time. You will become one with everything.

The article also said that you should not control your thoughts. When your thoughts appear, let them come and go, don't control them.

Just like what my husband said before, don't deliberately control your thoughts and consciousness.

5. The essence of tranquility

  • Core Concept: Tranquility is not the cessation of thought, but the insight into the nature of thought.
  • Ways to achieve tranquility:
    • observe: Observe your thoughts with full attention and understand their nature.
    • Let go of the competition: Transcend the constraints of time and stop mental comparisons.
    • Focus on the present moment: Listen and feel with every part of your life.
  • The inspiration of yoga:
    • Being aware of your body's sensations and your brain's thoughts are the keys to a peaceful mind.

Practice and Summary

  • Key Capabilities:
    • listen: Listen fully and let your thoughts calm down naturally.
    • Perception: Be aware of everything in the present moment without judgment or control.
  • Final Insight:
    • Peace of mind: Comes from a thorough insight into thoughts, not from the suppression of thoughts.
    • Complete existence: When the dividing line between "I" and "non-I" disappears, life reaches a harmonious state.

The exploration of spiritual tranquility is also a call for the transformation of human consciousness. It reminds us:

  1. Peace of mind is not about suppressing thoughts, but about understanding the nature of thoughts.
  2. Stopping competing and comparing is the key to mental lightness and freedom.
  3. Undivided attention is the bridge to stillness and perspective.
  4. True tranquility is a state beyond duality, in which the dividing line between "I" and "non-I" disappears and only wholeness and harmony exist.

By practicing these insights, we have the potential to access a state of tranquility that transcends thought, which not only gives the mind tremendous energy but also enables us to more deeply appreciate the true meaning of life.


The revelation of a quiet mind

Through these insights and practices, we can:

  • Stop the inner struggle and free up the energy of your mind.
  • Focus completely on the present moment and become one with everything.
  • Feel the true meaning of life and enter a state of true tranquility and harmony.

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If these insights touch your heart, welcome to share your practical experience and insights!

Meditation and Mental Order: Awareness and Art of Living

1. Education and Constraint: The Mind Needs to Be Quiet

  • The problem with traditional education:
    • Linear, goal-oriented education restricts the freedom of the mind.
    • We become so filled with attachments, fears and desires that we lose space within.
  • Limitations of thought:
    • Thoughts always operate in the past and the future and cannot touch the real present.
  • Solution:
    • True emptiness comes from letting go of all directions and activities, not from achieving goals.

The education we receive is often linear and goal-oriented, encouraging us to work in a specific direction to achieve a certain ideal or goal. However, this approach restricts the freedom of the mind and makes us lose the sense of emptiness and openness that should exist.

Source of the problem:

  • Persistence and pursuit: Moving in a certain direction will fill the mind with persistence, fear, and desire, leading to a loss of space.
  • Limitations of thought: Thought is always looking back at the past or planning for the future; it cannot touch true reality.

Solution: The mind needs emptiness, and this emptiness does not come from the realization of goals, but from letting go of all directions and activities.

2. Meditation: The Art of Inactivity

  • The True Meaning of Meditation:
    • Meditation is not an effortful practice, but a natural state of tranquility.
    • It is awareness in life and the mind's complete attention to every detail.
  • The practice of meditation:
    • Fully Aware: Pay attention to every action in life and gain insight into the inner confusion and contradictions.
    • Undirected attention: Observe the rise and fall of thoughts without trying to control them, just let them flow naturally.

Meditation is not a specific practice, but a state of mind that allows the mind to return to a state of tranquility, in which the mind is not moving in any direction, not dominated by thoughts, and not bound by time.

Features of meditation:

  • Non-activity: Meditation is not an effort or control, but a state of non-action.
  • Holistic View: Meditation is the complete awareness of all the details of daily life - language, behavior, thought patterns.

Practice reflection:

  • Be fully aware: Pay attention to every action in your daily life and discover the inner confusion and contradictions.
  • Undirected attention: Observe thoughts without trying to change them, allowing them to pass away naturally.

3. Order and Virtue: Seeing Harmony in Chaos

  • The source of inner order:
    • Be aware of the contradictions and conflicts in life, and chaos will naturally turn into order.
  • The Nature of Virtue:
    • Virtue is not a dogma but a quality that grows naturally from inner harmony.
    • It comes from understanding chaos, not suppressing or avoiding it.

Virtue is not acquired through cultivation or practice, but is the natural result of inner order.

Sources of Inner Order:

  • Seeing order in chaos: Our lives are filled with contradictions, confusion, and conflict, and being aware of this chaos itself brings order.
  • Natural virtue: the virtues nurtured in this order are real, not externally imposed norms.

The Nature of Virtue:

  • Virtue is not a dogma but an inner harmony.
  • It comes from a deep understanding of chaos, not from avoiding or suppressing it.

4. Transformation in meditation: life is meditation

  • The practice of meditation:
    • Watch your own behavior: Observe your thoughts and patterns in your daily actions.
    • Life is meditation: Be aware of yourself in every moment and make meditation a part of your life.
  • Effects of Meditation:
    • Youth and Innocence of the Soul: Meditation keeps the mind fresh and not trapped by constraints and harm.
    • Discovering Divine Reality: A completely tranquil mind can reach a transcendent holy realm.

Meditation is not only a sitting or conceptual activity, but also a practice in life. It requires us to be aware of ourselves in every action and realize the transformation of the mind.

Conversion method:

  • Observe your own behavior: Meditation is a deep insight into life itself, including how you interact with people, how you act, and the workings of your inner mind.
  • Life is meditation: Through this holistic view, the meditative state can be extended into daily life, making life full of compassion and love.


  • Youth and Innocence of the Mind: Meditation keeps the mind fresh and away from all old harms and constraints.
  • Discovering the Divine Reality: When the mind is completely quiet and well-ordered, it naturally touches a sacred state that cannot be described in words.

5. The Art of Meditation: Order in Life

  • The Nature of Art:
    • Art is the ability to put things in their right place, and meditation is that art.
  • The significance of meditation:
    • It brings harmony in daily life and puts actions and relationships into a natural order.
    • Meditation allows us to experience transcendence in our daily lives.

The art of putting things in their right place is meditation, which is the art of bringing order into our daily lives, so that every action and every relationship is in natural harmony.

Meditation and the Sacred Life:

  • Meditation is not an escape from reality, but rather an opportunity to see the sacred in our daily lives through perspective and awareness.
  • It allows us to feel the transcendental presence in our daily lives and discover the divinity in every life.

6. The Core Insight of Meditation

  • Peace of mind: Only when the mind is truly peaceful can it come into contact with eternal reality.
  • The limitations of language:
    • The sacred cannot be described in words and must be truly experienced through meditation practice.

Summary: Meditation is the awareness and revolution of life

  • Core Concept:
    • Meditation is not a deliberate act, but a deep awareness and understanding of life.
    • It guides us from chaos to order, from obsession to freedom, and from division to wholeness.
  • Practical significance:
    • Through meditation we achieve inner harmony in our lives and get in touch with the divine essence of life.

Action and thinking

Practical advice:

  • Observe your daily life and discover the inner confusion and contradictions.
  • Let go of control over your thoughts and focus on present moment awareness.
  • Allow the peaceful state of meditation to flow into every moment of your life.

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